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Webinar vs. Online Training: What’s the Difference?

October 2017

When it comes to training new employees, you may be unsure which training method is the most efficient for your company’s time, money and resources. Webinars and online training are two widely-utilized options, but they have distinct differences. A webinar is a live, online teaching session, typically in...


3 Ways to Leverage Online Coaching Platforms to Cultivate Powerful Employees

October 2017

At its core, coaching is nothing but a conversation between coach and employee. The best coaching embodies a back-and-forth dialogue that offers ongoing support and empowers employees to grow while increasing their confidence. So how can managers, department heads and other sales professionals utilize online coaching platforms to...


Use Online Coaching To Promote Team Acceleration

October 2017

Potential is nothing without action. As a coach, how can you help your sales team take concrete steps to becoming more efficient, skilled and confident in their roles? Building a prepared, confident and capable sales team in a short timespan is tough. When coaching a large, diverse group,...


Your Business Can Benefit From an Online Coaching Platform

October 2017

You want your company to thrive, and in order to accomplish that, you need all your employees to work their hardest and be their best. But what do you do if some team members are struggling, while others are bored and distracted? This is where workplace coaching becomes essential. Of...


3 Ways Video Screening Helps You Build Strong Teams

October 2017

Making a good hiring choice is about a lot more than just finding someone with the right skills and qualifications, especially when the position is a member of a pre-existing team. The way people work together and the attitudes they share make a big difference when it comes...


Streamlining Your Hiring Process with Video Screening

August 2017

Hiring a good employee takes time. Finding the candidates, sorting them into a shortlist, and carefully deciding between the finalists are all time-consuming processes, but these are not the only causes of the time lapse between opening a position and hiring a new employee. Of all the delays involved in...


The Benefits of Video Screening

July 2017

The computer age has brought a revolution to the practice of recruiting–both finding candidates and video screening them. Just 20 years ago, the world of recruiting was opaque. Finding candidates meant a lot of cold calling, sometimes in unfriendly places. Your search was limited by distance and expense. You relied...


6 Benefits of Using Video in Marketing

July 2017

Marketing can be difficult and a lot of work, but it is essential to making a business successful. It does not matter how good a product is if no one knows about it. It is important to make your marketing as efficient as possible so you can generate the maximum...


The Benefits of a Mobile Coaching Platform for the Company

July 2017

Coaching and training employees are keys to improving a business and getting more out of the staff you already have. That’s why more companies are employing training software to provide constant help, improvements, and feedback to the team. While this software was formerly only available on the desktop,...

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