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Your Business Can Benefit From an Online Coaching Platform

October 2017

You want your company to thrive, and in order to accomplish that, you need all your employees to work their hardest and be their best. But what do you do if some team members are struggling, while others are bored and distracted? This is where workplace coaching becomes essential. Of...


3 Ways Video Screening Helps You Build Strong Teams

October 2017

Making a good hiring choice is about a lot more than just finding someone with the right skills and qualifications, especially when the position is a member of a pre-existing team. The way people work together and the attitudes they share make a big difference when it comes...


What Can A Learning Management System Do For You?

September 2017

In order to keep your business running smoothly, it’s important to make sure that your employees stay up-to-date with the latest training for their roles. To do this, you need the most efficient learning management system possible. Why? When employees know their jobs inside and out, your business...


If the Future is Mobile Collaboration, There’s a Great Need for Shared Learning

September 2017

Flexibility. It’s the buzzword that we read about everywhere. If you aren’t familiar with it, your workers are likely to mention it. Polycom surveyed over 24,000 respondents around the world and found these interesting results: 1. 62% of the global working population takes advantage of flexible working practices. 2. 98% of...


Develop a Successful Sales Team with an Online Coaching Platform

September 2017

In the sales world, time is money. The time you spend training and developing your sales team is time you can’t spend following up on leads or closing deals. This is where the speed, agility and power of vidREACH‘s online coaching platform can be a game-changer for your sales team. Online video...


Considering How New Hires Affect Your Team

September 2017

As managers, we spend tons of time writing job postings and sending them out to the digital world, hoping we will find the “right” team members. We do this because we imagine that the right person will fit into our team and change our level of productivity for...


The Importance of Goal Setting To Track Coaching Progress

September 2017

If you invest in coaching, it’s essential to track and evaluate the progress and impact the program has on you and your employees. The best way to do this is to set concrete goals that let you measure the results. This way, if you use a coaching platform or participate...


What Is Web-Based Training, and What Can It Do for You?

August 2017

If you’re thinking about starting a web-based training program at your company, there are three key aspects that you should look for in any training solution: mobility, versatility, and accountability. But first of all, what exactly is web-based training? And is it a good fit for your company and your...


Streamline Your Training Process With An Online Coaching Platform

August 2017

Companies are always trying to find ways to improve their human capital with new skills and information. Whether they want them to be knowledgeable about compliance procedures, new products, new initiatives or new technologies, employees must constantly be learning. Unfortunately, the existing training process at many companies is rather...

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