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Looking for Hires Who Reflect Your Organizational Culture

August 2017

We saw a headline recently which made us think: “See the Future: Business Insights for 2017 from MIT Sloan Executive Education Faculty.”Emilio J. Castilla wrote: “A more data-driven strategic approach to human resource decisions can result in better hires, improved evaluation and rewarding processes, more productive teams, significantly increased...


Develop Future Managers Through Scenarios on a Shared Learning Platform

August 2017

Despite the job titles that some workers have held throughout their careers, they have been managing upward for years. They have many skills they will need to succeed as managers. Because they are future managers in disguise, one could argue that their current and past managers have ignored them, underused...


Streamlining Your Hiring Process with Video Screening

August 2017

Hiring a good employee takes time. Finding the candidates, sorting them into a shortlist, and carefully deciding between the finalists are all time-consuming processes, but these are not the only causes of the time lapse between opening a position and hiring a new employee. Of all the delays involved in...


Mobile Platforms Provide More Learning Opportunities to Your Work Team

August 2017

In the current digital economy, consumers drive everything. As managers, we can view employees, present, and future, as consumers who will positively or negatively respond to the working conditions we create for them. We have an obligation to provide tools for employees’ ongoing skill development. That being said, employees of...


How Can Today’s Companies Compete Without Using a Mobile Training Platform?

August 2017

When we think about the value of mobile training platforms to organizations, we imagine numerous ways that managers use these solutions. vidREACH is a mobile platform that makes managers’ lives easier when it comes to training. This platform is a tool for use during “anywhere working” and managers use it...


The Benefits of Video Screening

July 2017

The computer age has brought a revolution to the practice of recruiting–both finding candidates and video screening them. Just 20 years ago, the world of recruiting was opaque. Finding candidates meant a lot of cold calling, sometimes in unfriendly places. Your search was limited by distance and expense. You relied...


3 Creative Ways Your Team Can Use Peer Learning

July 2017

Peer learning is a great way to engage your entire team in a fun and effective learning process. Your team members will appreciate having recorded video content at their fingertips, ready to watch at their convenience and on their schedule. And they’ll pay more attention to peer-provided materials, instead...


What Is Social Learning and How Does It Make for Good Training?

July 2017

We like to think that our organization can provide enough training solutions for employees to be successful. However, because of the rapid release of new technologies, our knowledge workers are mostly behind; they’re fighting their way uphill on a fast-paced learning curve. They can barely adapt to a new technology...


Making Better Use of Training Resources and What to Include

July 2017

Trainers can look on YouTube for an overview of almost any topic and create a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint document with supporting training resources. The process takes a couple hours. What trainers haven’t told you lately is that they aren’t happy with their current learning management system (LMS), mostly...

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