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6 Questions to Help You Create an Effective Online Training Program

October 2017

Can you think back to a job in which you felt completely untrained and unprepared for the tasks required of you? How did that go? Training your new employees properly may be one of the most important investments your company makes, no matter the size and budget. Effective...


Webinar vs. Online Training: What’s the Difference?

October 2017

When it comes to training new employees, you may be unsure which training method is the most efficient for your company’s time, money and resources. Webinars and online training are two widely-utilized options, but they have distinct differences. A webinar is a live, online teaching session, typically in...


Use Online Coaching To Promote Team Acceleration

October 2017

Potential is nothing without action. As a coach, how can you help your sales team take concrete steps to becoming more efficient, skilled and confident in their roles? Building a prepared, confident and capable sales team in a short timespan is tough. When coaching a large, diverse group,...


How Coaching Software Affects Team Building

October 2017

A strong culture of teamwork is crucial for driving innovation and collaboration within any organization. The success of a team, and ultimately the bottom line of an organization, depends on the attitudes and combined efforts of its team members. When team members are motivated and engaged, they are...


What is Microlearning?

October 2017

As the amount of disruptions in the workplace increases and attention spans continue to decrease, companies need to explore and implement new tactics for training and re-engaging employees. Millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025, and the average attention span of the Millennial generation is...


What is Gamification?

October 2017

As generations become more tech savvy, organizations must leverage the advantages of emerging technologies. Within the sphere of education and training, one learning trend is growing more popular: gamification. Gamification is the process of applying game-related elements to non-game contexts to augment participation, engagement and user experience. To...


The History of Learning Management Systems

October 2017

Although learning management systems have rapidly increased in popularity in the past two decades, the concept has been around for longer There are several differing opinions as to the inception of LMS; however, many contend that the history of LMS can be dated all the way back to...


What is a Learning Management System?

October 2017

The term “LMS” is steadily growing in popularity but without much clarity as to what it means. Don’t worry. We are here to answer the question “what is a learning management system?” and explore ways in which vidREACH’s LMS training platform can support your business’ growth. What is...


Millennials Look to Their Managers for Coaching and Inspiration

October 2017

As more Millennials enter the workforce, employers need to adopt management and coaching styles that work for all of their team members, regardless of age or experience level. But Millennials are a unique generation with their own way of doing things and their own approach to life. When it comes to workplace...

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