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How to Train Millennials

July 2018

There’s a lot of talk about the disparity between generations these days, specifically the difference between Gen X and Gen Y (better known as Millennials). The truth is that there is a huge chasm between these two groups of people, and it’s mostly due to the technology that’s...


Why Building A Strong Company Culture Is Vital to Your Organization

July 2018

Every company has a culture, but not every culture is effectively contributing to the overall health of the business. As a kid you learn about how the human body functions. You learn how it thrives and what threatens its overall wellbeing. You learn about the vital components we...


How to Cultivate Change and Inspire Improvement in The Workspace

June 2018

Have you ever experienced a moment in your work environment where you just wanted to get up and leave? Have you ever felt overwhelmed and under-qualified to be in a position of leading a team? Have you attempted to shift the working environment for your team, but feel...


How to Succeed in a One-Way Video Interview

June 2018

We have talked a whole lot about how to properly prepare your team to implement video for business purposes, but we’ve hardly discussed the flip side of that coin: the applicant. While the advent of video interviewing is nothing but a blessing for HR, it can be problematic...


Dress for Success- How to Crush Your Upcoming Video Interview

June 2018

You did it! You applied for that job you’ve been wanting, and now are preparing for a video interview hoping to land the role. With the increased use of technology in everyday business, companies are shying away more and more from hiring procedures that are high cost and...


5 Ways to Attract Top Talent to Your Company

May 2018

We’re all looking for the best possible people to work for us. Everyone wants top talent on their team, but it can be hard to cut through the thick swathe of cool and hip companies to find the best people to join your team. Competition can be tough,...


4 Ways to Improve Your Workplace Culture

May 2018

One of the biggest obstacles to managing a group of people is ensuring that you have a healthy workplace culture. In fact, if someone is unhappy at their job, it’s more than likely the atmosphere that they work in that makes them miserable. Sure, the actual job itself...


4 Ways Video Can Strengthen Customer Support

April 2018

Customer support is sometimes a thankless, frustrating job. Any sort of tech product is going to have an customer on-boarding process, an ongoing client success relationship and its share of glitches and issues, so you need people at the ready to answer any questions that your customers need....

5 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Video Interviewing

April 2018

Technology is always changing, and it can be really tough to keep up with our ever-evolving world. There’s a lot of talk about change these days, but the reality of the situation is that if we don’t change with the times, we will get left behind. Video interviewing...

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