Archive for Hiring Tips

5 Stats That Will Change the Way You Think About Hiring

We love stats. LOVE them. And when those stats affect one of the most important business processes you have (hint: it’s hiring), we especially love them. So if hiring is your jam, staying informed about what’s going on in the job market is crucial.  Check out these 5…

Looking for Hires Who Reflect Your Organizational Culture

We saw a headline recently which made us think: “See the Future: Business Insights for 2017 from MIT Sloan Executive Education Faculty.”Emilio J. Castilla wrote: “A more data-driven strategic approach to human resource decisions can result in better hires, improved evaluation and rewarding processes, more productive teams, significantly increased…

5 Signs Video Screening is Right For The Interview Process In Your Business

Have you ever wondered if there was a better way to conduct an interview? What if you could eliminate the risk of employee turnover, save time and money, and gain complete control over your interview process? With technology growing bigger and brighter every day, more opportunities to improve businesses are…

Hiring Real Talent: Let Employees Participate in the Process

If your goal was to choose the next company that you would work for, would you pass up the opportunity to spend time with its employees? We think that most people would say “probably not.” There’s the human curiosity factor and there’s the desire most of us have…

Best Practices for Hiring

Hiring is a risky process. It can be done quickly with a reasonable chance of success about 54 percent of the time. But the failures can be very costly. Failure rates Surveys have found that almost half (46 percent) of newly hired employees fail within the first 18…