Archive for b2b video

How Long Should Your Sales & Marketing Videos Be?

How Long Should Your Sales & Marketing Videos Be? It’s not news that video is essential to any sales or marketing strategy. Brands use video across platforms, industries, verticals, and mediums, making it one of the most diverse forms of content one could produce. And while video topics…

B2B Video Trends

B2B Video Trends Video is transforming the way businesses build their brand, reach larger audiences, and develop deeper connections with their customers in 2020. With the rapid increase of video integration in business strategy, it’s important to know how video is trending and transforming the way people do…

Why You Should Use a Video Sales Platform in Your Sales Process

The Benefits of a Video Sales Platform Sales leaders are consistently looking to add something new to the sales process that will generate more sales. A video sales platform could be that something.  It’s no secret that video content and video platforms have invaded and changed the way…