Archive for Sales

What is a Sales Engagement Platform?

What is a Sales Engagement Platform? These days, there is so much competition in business that it’s easy to get left behind when new tech emerges. If you don’t keep yourself up-to-date with tools that could benefit your company, you could easily find yourself swimming in the wake…

Overcoming Common Video Fears to Increase Engagement

As consumers, we are drawn to video content like never before. We are constantly consuming information across mediums, and video is rising up to meet the competition. Maybe your role has always been the consumer, but what happens when it’s your time to shine and you have to…

Choosing the Right Sales Engagement Platform

Gone are the days of simply being ‘online.” Having an in-depth, CRM solution no longer holds a competitive edge for sales teams. Everyday there are new technologies being innovated, developed, or released. The noise within the technology industry is growing louder and louder. How do companies stand out…

What is Sales Acceleration?

Sales acceleration demonstrates strategies that enable businesses to move prospects through the sales funnel with the best efficiency. An effective sales acceleration software allows teams to have access to timely data and reports that increase the likelihood of prospect conversion. There are hundreds and hundreds of sales acceleration…

Defining the Sales Engagement Process

The talk around sales engagement has become louder in the past few years. As more organizations become aware of the need for a solid sales engagement process, it’s time to uncover what exactly goes into creating one.   Sales engagement can be defined as the interactions that take…

What is Sales Enablement?

If you work in sales (or even if you don’t), you’ve probably heard the term sales enablement a time or two. This buzz word is rapidly circulating across industries, but what exactly is it? You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers. Let’s take a look at three simple questions…

Measuring Sales Enablement KPIs: Knowing What to Track

Is your sales team efficient? Do they perform effectively? If the answer is “no” or, even worse, “I don’t know”, it may be time to invest in a sales enablement strategy. Sales enablement is defined simply as a strategic series of processes, people and technology used to improve…

Increasing Conversions: Making the Move to a Sales Training Platform

Business is always changing. Every day there are innovative new ways of how, when, and where business is conducted. But one thing will never change. Even in 2019, the fundamental WHY of how business is done remains the same: making money. Your business is nothing without the sale,…

How Personalized Storytelling Can Benefit Your Business

Marketing has changed drastically in the last decade or so, in practice and in how we promote our content. The biggest change we’ve faced is integrating storytelling into how we sell our products, which feels like a no-brainer, right? But sometimes telling a compelling story isn’t necessarily enough,…

How Video Messaging Can Change The Way You Do Business

We talk a lot about how video is the king of content, and this is really only clear after we have begun to implement it. Once video becomes a tool that we use, it will quickly become a tool that we depend on. From educating employees to engaging…