The Importance of Video Screening

By Sean Gordon

Video screening is quickly becoming one of the hottest topics for 2017 and it’s no wonder why. Video screening maximizes time so that the screening process is no longer a dull and dreaded endeavor by the hiring team or the potential hire.

Many companies are turning to video interviews for their hiring needs over the outdated phone interview. Speaking virtually face-to-face with candidates, on a quick 30 second video screen, can give the interviewer a better understanding of the candidate than a paper resume or phone interview ever could. By doing a video interview as a first-round interview, it enables the hiring team to narrow down who will make it to the second round of in-person interviews much more efficiently.

Consider the following stats and see why video screening should be added to your strategy in 2017:

  • 50% of organizations using video reported an improved cost-per-hire, and more than half saw an improvement in the time it takes to identify a qualified candidate in the first place (icims)
  • 32% of companies using video screening successfully hire between 50 – 500 employees upon implementation of the tool (GreenJob)
  • 65% of organizations indicated that they are planning to invest in video recruitment tools “in order to improve a strategic talent pool.” (icims)

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