Archive for training solutions

What Is Web-Based Training, and What Can It Do for You?

If you’re thinking about starting a web-based training program at your company, there are three key aspects that you should look for in any training solution: mobility, versatility, and accountability. But first of all, what exactly is web-based training? And is it a good fit for your company and your…

Shared Learning and Its Benefits

If your business is not familiar with Shared Learning, there are plenty of reasons to learn more about this way of doing things in the workplace. Not only does Shared Learning have plenty of benefits for the company, but it is equally beneficial to your staff. Here are…

How Shared Learning Impacts Team Building in the Workplace

As the legendary basketball player, businessman and philanthropist Michael Jordan once said: “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” While he was speaking about basketball, this same principle holds true in other applications, including the workplace. Companies that embrace and foster teamwork reap the benefits of…

What is Trendy in 2017 for Training?

Training has been adopting a number of emerging technologies in the last two or three years. These trends are expected to intensify in 2017:   Short Videos: As video technology continues to improve, the capability of companies to produce professional and watchable video training materials has increased. In…