Archive for businesses hiring

5 Stats That Will Change the Way You Think About Hiring

We love stats. LOVE them. And when those stats affect one of the most important business processes you have (hint: it’s hiring), we especially love them. So if hiring is your jam, staying informed about what’s going on in the job market is crucial.  Check out these 5…

The Benefits of Video Screening

The computer age has brought a revolution to the practice of recruiting–both finding candidates and video screening them. Just 20 years ago, the world of recruiting was opaque. Finding candidates meant a lot of cold calling, sometimes in unfriendly places. Your search was limited by distance and expense. You relied…

The Impact of Shared Learning

The modern business and professional worlds have very little room for isolated individualism. Shared learning is a model for the way nearly all business are organized. Business and most of modern life are organized around groups of people. People, like most of nature, naturally organize into groups, from families, through tribes through klatches, committees,…